Addressing a Message ntoskrnl.exe
ComputerWhen this message appears on the computer may be caused Ntoskrnl.exe file is missing or damaged. Things that may cause the file is damaged or lost we will discuss in this post. Usually this message will appear if Windows NT can not work because the files in the folder C: \ Winnt \ System32 \ ntoskrnl.exe not found or corrupt (corupt)
Causes and Solutions:
Keyboard Problems
Keyboard problems caused by short circuit on the cable gorund keyboard. Make sure this is not the cause of your error by replacing the keyboard with a different keyboard or simply remove the keyboard from the computer.
Missing or corrupt ntoskrnl.exe file
If the file is corrupted or missing ntoskrnl.exe it also can lead to errors. To restore this file follow the steps below.
1. Insert the Microsoft Windows XP CD. Note: Do not use a recovery CD or restore CD.
2. Reboot the computer (bios settings to boot from the CD), press any key to boot from the CD.
3. In Microsoft Windows XP setup menu press R to enter recovery console.
4. Select the operating system you want to fix, and then enter the administrator password.
5. At the prompt write the command expand d: \ i386 \ ntoskrnl.ex_ c: \ windows \ system32 (this example takes d as the drive from the CD / DVD room
6. Will appear if you want to overwrite the file, press the Y button to overwrite the file ntoskrnl.exe is korupt.
7. Type exit at the prompt to reboot the computer.
Hard disk drive or severely corrupted Windows
Try to check the hard disk drive to find errors by running chkdsk program. To do so follow the steps below.
1. Insert the Microsoft Windows XP CD.
2. Reboot the computer, choose boot from the CD / DVD Room, then press any key to boot from the CD.
3. In Microsoft Windows XP setup menu press R to enter recovery console.
4. Select the operating system you want to fix, and then enter the administrator password.
5. After the recovery console on the command prompt type chkdsk / r
6. Once completed the data will appear on the status of the hard disk, when many look bad sectors, it means your hard drive is damaged, where the file system that was in bad sectors can not be read system.
Corrupt boot.ini file
This problem often occurs when the boot.ini file is missing or incorrectly configured. This issue often arises after a user who mengistall dual boot on a different disk partition, and remove a boot system from the hard drive or delete the boot partition from one system, so that the boot file is not found any other operating system.
Make sure the boot order from this show that serves as a boot disk operating system.
Causes and Solutions:
Keyboard Problems
Keyboard problems caused by short circuit on the cable gorund keyboard. Make sure this is not the cause of your error by replacing the keyboard with a different keyboard or simply remove the keyboard from the computer.
Missing or corrupt ntoskrnl.exe file
If the file is corrupted or missing ntoskrnl.exe it also can lead to errors. To restore this file follow the steps below.
1. Insert the Microsoft Windows XP CD. Note: Do not use a recovery CD or restore CD.
2. Reboot the computer (bios settings to boot from the CD), press any key to boot from the CD.
3. In Microsoft Windows XP setup menu press R to enter recovery console.
4. Select the operating system you want to fix, and then enter the administrator password.
5. At the prompt write the command expand d: \ i386 \ ntoskrnl.ex_ c: \ windows \ system32 (this example takes d as the drive from the CD / DVD room
6. Will appear if you want to overwrite the file, press the Y button to overwrite the file ntoskrnl.exe is korupt.
7. Type exit at the prompt to reboot the computer.
Hard disk drive or severely corrupted Windows
Try to check the hard disk drive to find errors by running chkdsk program. To do so follow the steps below.
1. Insert the Microsoft Windows XP CD.
2. Reboot the computer, choose boot from the CD / DVD Room, then press any key to boot from the CD.
3. In Microsoft Windows XP setup menu press R to enter recovery console.
4. Select the operating system you want to fix, and then enter the administrator password.
5. After the recovery console on the command prompt type chkdsk / r
6. Once completed the data will appear on the status of the hard disk, when many look bad sectors, it means your hard drive is damaged, where the file system that was in bad sectors can not be read system.
Corrupt boot.ini file
This problem often occurs when the boot.ini file is missing or incorrectly configured. This issue often arises after a user who mengistall dual boot on a different disk partition, and remove a boot system from the hard drive or delete the boot partition from one system, so that the boot file is not found any other operating system.
Make sure the boot order from this show that serves as a boot disk operating system.