Setup Mikrotik RB450, RB750

First of all to be able to configure Mikrotik RB 450, RB 750, etc. This, of course you need to login first  ...
we begin to ya ...


For LAN: class C

LAN : x.x.x.x/24.
Modem : y.y.y.y/24

root menu by typing "/"IP settings for each ethernet card 

- Ip address add address = yyyy/24 interface = ether1 
- Ip address add address = xxxx/24 interface = ether2 
- Ip address print

Setting the IP routing 
- Ip route add gateway = y.y.y.1
Setting DNS

- Ip dns set primary-dns = pppp allow-remote-requests = yes 
- Ip dns set secondary-dns = nnnn allow-remote-requests = yes

Source NAT (Network Address Translation) / MasqueradingFor all existing computers on the LAN can connect to the internet as well.
- Ip firewall nat add chain = srcnat action = masquerade out-interface = ether1

DHCP (DynamicHost Configuration Protocol)
Creating an IP Address Pool

- Ip pool add name = dhcp-pool ranges = xxx2-xxx254

Add a DHCP Network
- Ip dhcp-server network add address = xx0.0/24 xx0.1 gateway = dns-server = pppp, nnnn

Adding a DHCP Server
- Ip dhcp-server add name = DHCP_LAN disabled = no interface = ether2 address-pool = dhcp-pool

Until here all computers should already be connected to the Internet. For that we need in the test with: ping to your gateway, pinging your dns and ping to

Bandwidth ControlSpeedy Connection Speed 384/64 Kbps (Download / Upload)The number of client computers 10 pieces.

hopefully can help ..

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Setup Mikrotik RB450, RB750
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