Upload website to hosting

How to upload files to web hosting is very easy, for more information please follow the steps below, for how this can also be applied in joomla:1. Prepare all files to be uploaded, and then we compress first, REMEMBER!, DO WITH EXTENSION OTHER THAN IN compress. ZIP, his reason, because every Cpanel hosting only supports extract the files with the extensions. ZIP, other than that (rar, gz. zip, 7zip, etc.) will not be able to extract.2. Then upload that file is already in the extract was in public.htm exist in the file manager, if we want to upload in just a subdomain subdomain just select it, then upload as usual.3. then the files you have uploaded and in circumstances could compress the first extract.4. And to install a script live see the file "readme.txt" later there will be no URL to make its installation.This tutorial has only reached the stage Uploader's, and for its installation may be discussed in another article.NOTE: There are other ways of doing Uploader's process, using ftp, but the ftp is not absolute in need, perhaps this way (ftp) do when we upload files on the web we like 000webhost.com free hosting.Hopefully helpful.

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Upload website to hosting
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